Phone: 912-598-2337
Devin serves as Curator of the UGA Aquarium on Skidaway Island, GA. He joined UGA Marine Extension and Georgia SeaGrant in December of 2008 while finishing a master’s degree program at Savannah State University. Devin previously worked as a Marine Technician for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Resource Division and as an Environmental Educator at the UGA Burton 4-H Center on Tybee Island, GA. Currently, Devin manages aquarium operations dealing with animal husbandry, aquarium life support and filtration systems, and educational display. Dumont trains, supervises, and mentors Sea Grant Education Fellows, Aquarium Science Interns, and volunteers for aquarium operations. He also collaborates with colleagues from universities, state and federal agencies, and private organizations on both field-based and aquarium-based research projects.