UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant hosted the Georgia Economic Developers Association (GEDA) at its facility to learn about the economic importance of Georgia’s coast and how the university is helping to support coastal communities.

GEDA is the leading professional association dedicated to enhancing Georgia’s economic vitality. Its mission is to provide and promote networking and professional development opportunities and to shape economic development public policy.

The group took a trip on the R/V Georgia Bulldog to learn about the region’s shrimping industry and Marine Extension Director Mark Risse provided an overview of UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant’s efforts to develop the state’s first oyster hatchery. Back at the office, the guests interacted with staff to learn about the other program areas the Brunswick station offers along Georgia’s coast.

Through events like this, UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant is helping to inform policymakers about the importance of Georgia’s coast and the economic contributions it provides for the whole state.