
CPASW Call for Abstracts

The 17th Annual Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW) will bring together a diverse community to share developments in research and application of weather and climate information for societal decision-making.

The workshop will address the following focus areas:

  • Informing sector-based decisions including marine transportation, energy, fisheries, tourism, etc.
  • Supporting disaster risk management for flooding and inundation, sea level rise, heat stress wildfire, drought, and other extreme events
  • Guiding public health preparedness for threats such as heat health, vector-borne disease, air quality
  • Providing information for water resources management
  • Supporting natural resources management

We invite abstracts for workshop presentations that address the use of climate data and products including monitoring, predictions, and projections in any of the focus areas listed above. We also encourage abstracts highlighting best practices in the areas of communication and outreach, decision support tools, and preparedness methods to advance adaptation and build resilient communities, including but not limited to coastal zones.

Abstract Submission

Please submit your abstracts to the online submission system, eSeaGrant: http://eseagrant.uga.edu/index.php

Instructions for submitting your abstract through eSeaGrant are available here.

The abstract deadline is February 15, 2019. The meeting format will include a combination of symposia, panel sessions, discussions, and keynote speakers that address the workshop theme.

For additional information please contact the workshop organizers:

Jenna Meyers Jenna.Meyers@noaa.gov | 301-427-9113
Marina Timofeyeva Marina.Timofeyeva@noaa.gov | 301-427-9367
Mona Behl mbehl@uga.edu | 706-542-6621

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