
CPASW Program

The 2019 Conference theme is “Climate Information for Coastal Risk Reduction.”

Download 2019 CPASW Agenda »

Tuesday, June 11

Welcome Address

Building a Weather-Ready Nation: John Murphy, NOAA National Weather Service

Keynote Address

Enhancing the Health of Coastal Ecosystems and Building Community Resilience: Mona Behl, Georgia Sea Grant, University of Georgia

Session 1:  Supporting Natural Resources Management

A Coastal Resilience Assessment for the United States: Greg Dobson, UNC Asheville’s NEMAC

Linking Land Use, Climate, and Coastal Ecosystems: a watershed perspective for a changing South Carolina coast: Lloyd Hill, College of Charleston

NOAA and Water: Connecting End User Needs with Decision Support Tools: Brenna Sweetman, NOAA Office for Coastal Management

Building Resilience to Extreme Events and Water Hazard Planning in Rural Communities: Sarah Trainor, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (presented by Richard Thoman, ACCAP)

Identifying Resilient Coastal Sites for Conservation: Mark Anderson & Elizabeth Fly, The Nature Conservancy, South Carolina

Session 2:  Informing Sector-Based Decisions

Delivering Broader Impacts through Climate Change Communication: Paula Jasinski, Chesapeake Environmental Communications

Overview of the New Drought.gov Website: Steve Ansari, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

Week-2 Probabilistic Forecasts of Wind Hazards and Extremes: Melissa Ou, NOAA Climate Prediction Center

Improvement of Two-week Temperature Forecast of JMA: Shoichiro Miyawaki, Japan Meteorological Agency

NASA Disasters Program: A Partner for Coastal Disaster Response, Resiliency, and Risk Reduction: Jordan Bell, NASA Earth Science Disasters Program

Session 3:  Informing Sector-Based Decisions

The Value of Climate Data from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information: Tamara Houston, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

Understanding Sector-Based Decisions for Heat-Health Risk Reduction: Hunter Jones, NOAA Climate Program Office

Delivering Climate Services to Rural Alaska: Challenges and Opportunities: Richard Thoman, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy

Applications of Satellite Altimetry Mission Assets for Understanding and Assessing Coastal Risk: Margaret Srinivasan, Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Caltech

Development and Applications of Climate Projections in India: Jenny Dissen, NOAA Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites

Wednesday, June 12


Taking Care of Our Own: Public Health Preparedness for Adaptation Professionals: Susanne Moser, Director, Susanne Moser Research & Consulting

Session 5:  Guiding Public Health Preparedness

Susceptibility of Public Health Impacts from Flooded Water, Wastewater and Public Health Infrastructure: Susan Lovelace, South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium

Development of a Web-Based Tool to Forecast Wet Bulb Globe Temperature for Populations Who Engage in Exertional Outdoor Activities: Charles Konrad, Southeast Regional Climate Center (SERCC) / CISA

Subseasonal Forecasting of Heatwaves at the NOAA Climate Prediction Center: Evan Oswald, NOAA Climate Prediction Center

A Framework for Forecasting Indoor Temperatures for Populations at Risk from Heat Waves: Brian Vant-hull, NOAA-CREST / City College of New York

Health Impact Oriented Excessive Heat Forecasting at Sub-seasonal Lead Times: Evaluation of Performance of the Real-time Global Sub-seasonal Excessive Heat Outlook System: Augustin Vintzileos, University of Maryland / ESSIC

Invited Talk

Warning Fatigue? No, U.S. coasts ARE flooding more often: William Sweet, NOAA National Ocean Service

Banquet Talk

The Resilience Imperative: The Importance of Proactively Engaging Vulnerable Populations Impacted by Global Climate Change, Sea Level Rise, and Aquatic Debris: Albert George, Director of Conservation, South Carolina Aquarium

Thursday, June 13


Using Climate Data to make a more Climate Resilient City – Wins, Challenges and Needs – A Case Study from Charleston South Carolina: Mark Wilbert, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Charleston

Session 7: Disaster Risk Management (Flooding Hazards)

To Adapt or not to Adapt: Decision-making by residents of urban coastal areas: Malgosia Madajewicz, Center for Climate Systems Research, Columbia University

Forecasting Seasonal Sea Levels for the U.S. East Coast: opportunities and challenges: Matthew Widlansky, Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, University of Hawaii

A Climatology of Coastal Flooding in New York City, and how NWS New York, NY is evolving its Coastal Hazard and Impact Forecasting Products and Services to Address Current and Future Risks: John Murray, NOAA National Weather Service – New York

Examining Coastal Flood Thresholds for the Southeast South Carolina and Southeast Georgia Coast: Blair Holloway, NOAA National Weather Service Charleston

Developing High-Resolution Data and Neighborhood-Scale Flood Modeling in Charleston County, SC: Landon Knapp, South Carolina Sea Grant & Norman Levine, College of Charleston

Thursday Invited Talk

Record-Breaking Rainfall and Flooding Associated with Hurricane Florence: Is This the New Normal?: Charles Konrad, Southeast Regional Climate Center (SERCC) / CISA

Session 8: Disaster Risk Management (Tropical Hazards)

Hurricane Preparedness and Recovery in Agriculture and Forestry: perspectives from extension, NRCS, and state forestry agencies: Sarah Wiener, USDA Southeast Climate Hub

Increasing Risk Perception and Understanding of Hurricane Storm Tides in Charleston SC Using an Interactive, Web-Based Visualization Approach: Frank Alsheimer, NOAA NWS Columbia / B. Lee Lindner, College of Charleston

Climatology and Variability of Tropical Cyclones Affecting Charleston, South Carolina: B. Lee Lindner, College of Charleston

Tropical Convection Interaction With Alaska Weather: William Ludwig, NOAA National Weather Service Anchorage

Session 9: Disaster Risk Management (Hazards & Extremes)

The CPC Global Tropics Hazards Outlook: Product Overview, Goals and Plans: Jon Gottschalck, NOAA Climate Prediction Center

The Use of Three to Nine-Month NOAA Forecasts for Predicting Southern Pine Beetle Outbreaks Across the Southeastern United States: Steven McNulty, USDA Southeast Climate Hub

Users Perspectives on S2S Forecast Products for Extreme Precipitation Events: Elinor Martin, University of Oklahoma (presented by Paulina Ćwik, University of Oklahoma)

Understanding and Communicating Precipitation Average Return Intervals within South Carolina: Melissa Griffin, South Carolina State Climatology Office

Modeling and Mapping the Advance of Monthly Tidal Flooding, a Threshold of Inhabitability: Philip Orton, Stevens Institute of Technology

Session 10: Disaster Risk Management (Coastal Hazards)

Building Resilience through Risk Management of Climate-Related Coastal Hazards: James Fox, NEMAC + FernLeaf

Developing Coastal Capabilities in the NOAA Local Climate Analysis Tool: Michael Churma, NOAA National Weather Service

A Climatology-based Forecast Tool for Coastal Flooding in the Lowcountry: Joey Coz, College of Charleston

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