Did you know the scientific name for blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, means “savory beautiful swimmer”? The blue crab fishery is one of the top fisheries in Georgia. Learn all about these amazing animals during a virtual crabbing lesson with educators at Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant. Highlights include instructions for setting up your own crabbing gear and a Q & A with fisheries extension agent and associate director of marine extension Bryan Fluech. This program is open to all ages but designed for teenagers and adults.
This virtual program is free and open to the public but pre-registration is required.
Register for this event here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event. Contact Kayla Clark at kayla270@uga.edu with questions.
Downloadable Resources:
Georgia Blue Crab Recipes
Crabbing Guide
Stewardship Short: Fish the Coast
Stewardship Short: Coastal Cuisine