Did you know the scientific name for blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, means “savory beautiful swimmer”? The blue crab fishery is one of the top fisheries in Georgia. Learn all about these amazing animals during a catch-and-release crabbing lesson on the dock behind the UGA Aquarium. Crab traps and bait will be provided. Children age 5 and above are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult.
Pre-registration is encouraged to guarantee your spot. Click on this link to register. Online registration will close at 4 p.m. the day before the program. For day-of payment, please arrive 15 minutes early and bring cash or check. We do not accept credit cards.
Contact Kayla Clark at kayla270@uga.edu or 912-598-3345 with questions.
Every Tuesday in June and July visitors can explore coastal habitats and learn about native wildlife during hands-on, feet-in field trips at the UGA Aquarium on Skidaway Island. For information about additional field trips being offered, click here.