UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant and the Georgia Association of Marine Education are excited to offer Educator Certification in Project WILD and Flying WILD. Project WILD conservation education curriculum is designed for K-12 classroom or informal education, while Flying WILD is specifically designed for middle-school students sponsored in Georgia by the Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division.
Flying WILD is unique in that it details how school bird festivals and World Migratory Bird Day events can provide enriching and meaningful experiences for students while meeting educational objectives in science, social studies, language arts, etc. These guides are a great resource for both the formal and non-formal educator!
GAME is pleased to offer discounted registration fees for all current members. Join GAME to receive 15% off this registration.
The workshop will involve 8 hours of instruction and will include sample activities from three curriculum guides (the terrestrial based Project WILD, Aquatic WILD, and Flying WILD).
Cost includes copies of the Flying WILD Terrestrial and Aquatic K-12 Curriculum and & Activity Guides.
Questions? Contact Katie Higgins at