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Scope Studies – Plankton and Dock Organisms

March 11, 2017, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

| $22

Join us at the UGA Marine Education Center and Aquarium for an in-depth look at the unique communities of invertebrate animals that live in the Skidaway River. Participants can learn about the fascinating organisms that drift in our coastal waters and those that settle on our boats. On the floating dock, you’ll learn how to use water quality instruments to determine the salinity and temperature of the river. The program also includes pulling in a plankton net filled with microscopic plants and animals, gathering living invertebrates from dock surfaces, and then returning to the lab to further investigate the organisms with microscopes!

This a great opportunity for families to work together in small research teams, to practice scientific skills and to add to UGA’s body of knowledge about these cool organisms. This program is for adults and children ages 8 and up. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Date: March 11, 2017, 9 a.m. – noon
Cost: $22 per person, register by March 3, 2017
Contact: Kayla Clark, kayla270@uga.edu or (912) 598-3345


March 11, 2017
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


UGA Marine Education Center And Aquarium
30 Ocean Science Circle Savannah, GA 31411 United States + Google Map
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