Put on your zoologist cap and join educator Anne Lindsay for some skull sleuthing. Learn about the form and function of various animal skulls and examine a variety of specimens from our teaching collection at the UGA Aquarium. Sharpen your ability to study natural objects that you might encounter during a walk through the woods while learning how to follow the clues that nature leaves us!
Register for this event
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event. Contact Kayla Clark at kayla270@uga.edu with questions.
Adult supervision is required for virtual programs. We encourage participants to send in questions about program topics ahead of time using this online form. Additional downloadable activities to do at home will be available on this page on the day of the program.
Downloadable Activities:
Nature Puzzles
Tune in every Tuesday at 11 a.m. for classes on different topics. For a schedule of upcoming classes visit our event calendar at gacoast.uga.edu/events.