Get into the Halloween spirit by joining educators on a Halloween Estuary Trawl! Climb aboard our 43-foot trawler, the R/V Sea Dawg, for a memorable scientific collection trip. Sample the bottom communities found in tidal rivers and sounds, then identify, sort, count and record species and environmental data.
You never know what’s lurking under the surface. We may catch sharks, rays or burrfish! Educators will provide information about the natural history, diversity and ecological significance of animals collected during the trawl.
Check-in is at 8:45 a.m. at the UGA Aquarium. The boat will leave the dock at 9 a.m. and return at noon.
Registration is required and includes admission to the UGA aquarium. Children ages 10 and up are welcome but must be accompanied by a registered adult. Tickets are nonrefundable.
Questions? Contact Cindy Lingebach at or call 912-598-2344.