From the director,
As indicated in our impacts and accomplishments report, Sea Grant has a greater return on investment of federal funds than most other government programs. We are unique in using federal dollars, leveraged with private, local and state dollars, to address the issues identified by our coastal constituents. Over 95 percent of the federal funds invested in the Sea Grant program go to the states, where they have impacts that constituents appreciate.
At the state level, I am pleased that the legislature has approved $150,000 in new support for the UGA Oyster Hatchery. These funds will allow us to hire a full-time hatchery manager and an aquaculture extension agent to work with shellfish growers. We received very strong support for these efforts from our coastal delegation and appreciate their effort.
If you value Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, please thank our state and federal representatives for their past support and let them know that this is important to you. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Mark Risse