Native Plant Search Engine
Visit the Native Plant Search Engine
The search engine currently provides information on more than 900 native plants found within the upper and lower coastal plain of Georgia.
Select the right plant for the right location, and create a healthy, attractive sustainable landscape.
Plants grown in appropriate conditions will thrive with minimal care. By choosing plants well adapted to each landscape site situation, you reduce the need for water, fertilizers and pesticides, reduce water pollution, save time and money while providing habitat for wildlife.
The EcoScapes Native Plant Search Engine can help you choose the right plants for your landscape.
The plants provided in the EcoScapes Native Plant Search Engine are native plants that have evolved over thousands of years and are well adapted to growing in lower and upper coastal plain landscapes of Georgia. When planted and established under appropriate light, soil and climatic conditions, most native plants on the list require little maintenance compared to other plants.
Each plant’s preferred growing conditions (relative drought tolerance, soil moisture, light range, etc.) are included in the search engine as a guide to choosing plants for your site conditions.
Additional information is given on mature height (currently for certain plant forms), flowering color and season, value to wildlife and pollinators, and other sustainable landscaping uses and characteristics helpful for plant selection and maintenance.
Know your site conditions
The first step in choosing the right plant is to know the conditions of the site and then choose plants accordingly.
Even the best planting practices will not help a plant to thrive if it is poorly suited for a particular site. Many factors determine the suitability of a plant for a particular location. Once you know your soils and microclimates – the areas in your landscape with unique climatic characteristics – you can choose plants that will thrive in each area.