Georgia’s low-lying coastal communities are on the front lines of sea level rise, storm surge and flooding. A new video series developed by UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant shares how communities are responding to these challenges by identifying… Full story
Student Blog

UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant addresses flooding issues at Camden County Extension office
March 29, 2021
UGA’s Cooperative Extension office in Camden County has experienced its fair share of soaked floors and wet shoes. When it rained, water streamed into the building. Fortunately, these days the floors remain dry thanks to the installation of a new… Full story

South Atlantic Sea Grant programs seek proposals on community resilience to flooding
August 15, 2019
South Atlantic Sea Grant programs, including Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and North Carolina, are seeking research proposals that quantify the impacts of flooding on access to infrastructure and the associated economic costs to coastal communities. The regional funding opportunity addresses… Full story