It took three years for Neptune to reach the ocean from her nest, but her goodbye was short and sweet. Transported by boat to Wassaw Island, the loggerhead sea turtle was carried to the beach by her caretakers from UGA… Full story
Student Blog

Turtle Tuesdays
December 3, 2019
Meet a new turtle that’s native to the Georgia coast most Tuesdays in December and January at the UGA Aquarium! Turtle talks begin at 2 p.m. and include a feeding at the aquarium’s freshwater turtle pond as well as an… Full story

Lefty returns to the wild; UGA Aquarium gets new sea turtle ambassador
September 21, 2018
After spending his first three years at the UGA Aquarium, Lefty the loggerhead sea turtle was released earlier this month into the Wassaw Sound from the shore of the Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge, near Savannah. Lefty hatched on Ossabaw Island… Full story

Struggling sea turtle gets help from conservation groups, UGA
April 6, 2018
One little sea turtle was in the right place earlier this month when he began struggling off the coast of Georgia. A crew from Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary spotted the juvenile Kemp’s ridley sea turtle having buoyancy issues, unable… Full story

UGA’s R/V Georgia Bulldog logs nearly two decades of sea turtle research
August 28, 2017
For the 18th year, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SC DNR) has enlisted the help of the University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant’s R/V Georgia Bulldog crew to provide logistical support and assist with the… Full story