Have some interest in real-time controls for stormwater management, but not quite sure where to start? Do you have a growing interest in climate-resilient strategies when managing stormwater? UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant is hosting a lunch webinar… Full story
Student Blog

Rain gardens created to mitigate flooding
August 8, 2022
The highest property in the Urbana-Perry Park neighborhood in Brunswick, Georgia, sits just 10 feet above sea level. Homeowners William and Bonnie Kitts have lived there for nine years. “This is actually my wife’s father’s grandfather’s home that he grew… Full story

UGA creates stormwater management tools to help reduce flooding in coastal communities
September 29, 2021
Fact sheets, checklists and a video created by faculty at the University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant are helping coastal communities invest in green infrastructure that protect areas from flooding and pollution from stormwater runoff. In the… Full story

UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant addresses flooding issues at Camden County Extension office
March 29, 2021
UGA’s Cooperative Extension office in Camden County has experienced its fair share of soaked floors and wet shoes. When it rained, water streamed into the building. Fortunately, these days the floors remain dry thanks to the installation of a new… Full story
Rain Gardens in Coastal Georgia
March 13, 2021
On Saturday, March 13, we invite you to participate in our free webinar about rain gardens. The workshop will introduce rain gardens as a stormwater management tool for your landscape. Join Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant’s stormwater specialist and… Full story

Green Living: Planning for Rainy Days
March 6, 2020
Interested in finding a better way to manage and conserve rainwater at your home? Rain barrels are an easy and affordable way to collect all of that rainwater for later use, perhaps to water your garden or maintain your lawn…. Full story

Coastal Stewards: Weather and Climate
February 29, 2020
Are you interested in climate research in coastal Georgia? If so, this is the class for you. We’re impacted by the weather everyday, and climate shapes how humans, plants and wildlife thrive in coastal Georgia. This program will help you understand how coastal Georgia is influenced by weather… Full story

UGA receives $50,000 grant from AT&T to address flooding in Athens-Clarke County
February 14, 2020
A grant from AT&T will help an interdisciplinary team of UGA faculty assess long-term flood frequency and severity for Athens-Clarke County in order to better plan for future development and infrastructure investments. Paul Chambers Jr., regional director of external affairs… Full story

Green Living: What’s the Scoop?
February 6, 2020
We all want clean water to swim and fish in! Animal waste from wildlife and domestic pets can introduce harmful bacteria into waterways. Understanding where this waste is coming from can help us better prevent and manage it in the… Full story

UGA installs first large-scale green infrastructure project in Brunswick
June 27, 2018
The area next to the soccer field at Brunswick’s Howard Coffin Park received a much-needed facelift in the form of native plants and new soil. The 3,000-square-foot tract is a large scale stormwater demonstration project that UGA Marine Extension and… Full story