
Student Blog

Trawl to Trash Program

June 28, 2022

Climb aboard the UGA Marine Education Center and Aquarium’s research vessel, the Sea Dawg, for a morning trawl in Wassaw Sound! Participants will learn how to identify different types of marine life found in tidal rivers while learning about Marine… Full story

Trawling for trash: Using recycled shrimp nets to remove marine debris

April 18, 2022

UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant has come up with a creative way to clean up the Georgia coast and provide financial support to local commercial shrimpers whose income was limited during the pandemic. Through Trawl to Trash, funded… Full story

Trawl to Trash Program

April 9, 2022

Climb aboard the UGA Marine Education Center and Aquarium’s research vessel, the Sea Dawg, for a morning trawl in Wassaw Sound! Participants will learn how to identify different types of marine life found in tidal rivers while learning about Marine… Full story

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