Advancing DEIJA Work in 2024 and Beyond: Navigating Challenges and Building Resilience
Kayj Morrill-McClureSavannah A/B
The principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Accessibility (DEIJA) are written into Sea Grant’s mission and vision. Yet, as we strive to continue and expand this work, the network faces pushback in higher education and direct attacks on some of the communities we are committed to serve. This workshop aims to equip participants to persevere in our DEIJA efforts. The key issues addressed in this session will cover: The current political climate impacting the advancement of DEIJA efforts in Sea Grant; How to navigate such structural barriers that make DEIJA work challenging like legislation, political climate and organizational culture; How to communicate about challenging issues, disarming political discussions, and how to respond when you receive push back using nonviolent communication and trauma-informed practices; and Exercises to strengthen relationships and provide resources in the DEIJA Community of Practice to continue this work in the long term and to not burn out. The workshop will be interactive and will include: Reviewing the current landscape we are working in Identifying our place both individually and organizationally in that landscape Teaching frameworks for productive communication Sharing and brainstorming solutions to challenging situations Practicing solutions through scenarios and role-playing exercises Participating in exercises to understand our personal needs and resources while doing this work and avoiding burnout (ie personal resourcing) By fostering discussion, problem-solving, and skill-building, this session aims to empower participants to move beyond identifying challenges to implementing effective solutions and strategies for sustained DEIJA progress within Sea Grant and beyond.