Focusing on Healthy Coastal Ecosystems

Kelly SamekOglethorpe A/B

Calling all Healthy Coastal Ecosystems practitioners—and friends! With regard to the Healthy Coastal Ecosystems (HCE) National Focus Area (FA), the National Sea Grant College Program strategic planning process for 2024-2027 raised more questions than could be fully explored. In preparation for the next strategic planning cycle and general coordination and sharing during the present implementation cycle, this facilitated, interactive session invites Sea Grant personnel invested in the HCE FA to provide insight into its significance to network programming and its relationship with the other national focus areas. How are programs meeting the HCE goals, objectives, and outcomes of the current strategic plan? Do these plan elements sufficiently capture the priorities of the Sea Grant network’s HCE programming? How does HCE overlap with the other Focus Areas in practice? Discussion will promote cross-learning by the audience, and the outputs from this session are intended to be useful to NSGO and NSGCP in considering continuity or revision of the focus area for 2028-2031.

Tue 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm