Intersections and Opportunities for the Sea Grant Network and the Coastal Inundation Community of Practice
Kate McClureOglethorpe A/B
The Sea Grant Network plays a significant and growing role in addressing flooding challenges faced by coastal communities. The 2018 visioning plan Community Response to Flooding: A 10 Year Vision for the National Sea Grant Program describes strategic priorities and actions intended to capitalize on Sea Grant’s flood-specific niche and support communities making locally relevant, science-based decisions to build flood resilience. More recently, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) made major investments ($492,000,000) in coastal inundation mapping, forecasting, models, and products. A national Coastal Inundation Community of Practice (CICoP) was conceptualized as part of the BIL efforts to ensure that coastal communities impacted by inundation are fully engaged in the process of developing and implementing new information and products; that this information and products are responsive to user needs; and that they effectively support on the ground decision making. This interactive session will revisit Sea Grant’s Community Response to Flooding visioning plan and explore opportunities for leveraging the newly formed CICoP to advance the plan’s objectives. Participants will also discuss existing communication pathways between Sea Grant professionals working on coastal inundation and related NOAA products and services, and opportunities for enhancement. Outcomes of this session will inform future activities and priorities of the CICoP.