Managed Retreat and Community Resilience: Legal Perspectives

Niki PaceAcademy

This panel will be a ninety-minute program with four speakers. The overarching goal is to present managed retreat as a coastal management strategy and then dive into more specific legal aspects and challenges it may present. Additionally, the panel will touch on community resilience efforts more broadly, including implementing ordinances, regulatory and permitting issues, and tribal perspectives. Brianna Jordan, of Rhode Island Sea Grant, will provide a background on managed retreat— its benefits and the legal challenges presented by this type of coastal management strategy (i.e takings, exactions, etc.). The other panelists will provide different perspectives on unique aspects of coastal community resilience. Kai Hardy, with a background in living shoreline permitting, will discuss regulatory challenges faced by communities implementing resilient infrastructure projects in the face of sea level rise or other climate related effects. Melissa Daigle, of Louisiana Sea Grant, will provide insight into the dynamics of coastal resilience and tribal lands. Lastly, Scott Luis, from Georgia Sea Grant, will talk about local level ordinances and how communities can implement adaptation strategy through law. The session will conclude with time for discussion with the audience about legal and policy issues they are facing when working on coastal resilience projects. 

Thu 10:00 am - 11:30 am