Marine Debris in Sea Grant: Past, Present, and Future Priorities

Madison Willert & Tanya TorresPlaza

As a result of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act-funded competitions, marine debris activities have significantly grown across the Sea Grant network recently but opportunities to connect these projects with existing efforts in the network have been limited. This session will bring together everyone working on marine debris across the Sea Grant network: BIL- and IRA-funded grantees, the Sea Grant Marine Debris Community of Practice, and other interested attendees. We will discuss past and present marine debris efforts in the network, and then launch into facilitated discussions in breakout groups to brainstorm ideas, build partnerships, and map out the future of marine debris in the Sea Grant network together. This session is meant to build community and cohesion amongst the many different Sea Grant initiatives in marine debris, develop common goals, and build momentum to continue addressing this important issue into the future.

Tue 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm