New Concepts for Community Engagement: Expanding Outreach and Conservation Corps

Kyle MandapatFranklin

The University of Guam Center for Island Sustainability and Sea Grant (UOGCIS/SG) pioneers community engagement strategies tailored to our unique status as a small island territory in the Pacific. Through initiatives like conservation corps and outreach programs, we aim for sustainability, equity, and prosperity for our island and region. Community efforts include expanding outreach to Tinian, our neighboring island in the CNMI. We educate students on sea turtle conservation through our outreach initiatives and further engage with them through our inaugural art contest. On Guam, we introduced the Tåsi Trailer, a mobile outreach classroom showcasing UOGCIS/SG projects such as the sea turtle monitoring project, Guam Restoration of Watersheds project, and Guam Green Growth (G3) programs. Since 2019, we've established four conservation corps: G3 Conservation Corps (G3CC), a five-month workforce development program; G3 Kupu Corps, a partnership with Kupu in Hawaii; G3 Local2030 Islands Network Conservation Corps, training members from neighboring Micronesia islands; and G3 Art Corps, engaging local artists to promote UN SDGs through murals. G3, Guam’s largest public-private partnership, addresses sustainability challenges and fosters a green economy. This presentation will highlight new concepts for outreach and community engagement implemented across the program. 

Thu 10:00 am - 11:30 am