Reflecting on Sea Grant's Core Values in a Complex World

Brooke CarneySavannah A/B

(cont.) Sea Grant professionals gather science and perspectives to assist communities in addressing often complicated challenges. Our success is connected to a commitment to bringing an informed, collaborative, and inclusive mindset to our work. The Sea Grant values related to lifting all voices and bringing together diverse sides of a topic are central to how we achieve our mission. However, the language and terminology used to describe these shared, core values, including “neutrality” and “non-advocacy” carry different meanings and impacts across generations, communities, disciplines, and locations. As a society and program, we continue to learn about best available science, Traditional Knowledge, and new and different perspectives. With these changes have come a new opportunity to reflect on what neutrality means to us as a network and the nuanced benefits and limitations that come with emphasizing neutrality as a core value. Building on the “One Sea Grant” initiative, the session invites professionals from all areas of Sea Grant’s work to reflect, explore, and engage in thoughtful conversation about the values of neutrality and non-advocacy in a contemporary context and discuss other values that are core to our legitimacy, effectiveness, and impact as a network. We will also explore how we maintain continuity of shared values and honor the history and legacy of Sea Grant, while reflecting on how we can grow and evolve as a network to meet the needs of coastal communities. This discussion will be facilitated to ensure a productive and inclusive space for everyone to contribute, share, and learn.

Tue 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Part 2