Understanding and Confronting Misinformation
Chris PetroneSavannah A/B
Misinformation is rampant in our society, across all media–social or otherwise. It has serious implications for Sea Grant as we try to provide the best available scientific information to our audiences, so they make well-informed decisions. These efforts can be slowed down by interested parties who “have heard something else” or have reasons to believe something different. Approaching misinformation in a discerning manner is where Sea Grant can unify rather than divide. With a diverse portfolio of topics, the Sea Grant liaisons encounter a wide variety of misinformation on everything from climate change to offshore wind energy to water quality to aquaculture, from audiences everywhere we work. This session will include a panel discussion featuring stories from the field and how Sea Grant specialists and partners have dealt with the misinformation they have experienced. We will also hear from session participants about the misinformation they have encountered and how they responded. Tips and resources will be shared, and we will use the session’s safe space to practice working through these often-difficult conversations in small groups. Handling misinformation can be extremely difficult, disheartening, and downright uncomfortable. But, with more tools on your utility belt and a little practice, participants will be more confident and better prepared for the next time—it’s not if, but when!