Unlocking Economic Value: Understanding the utility and finding broader application for our economic valuation reports
Brandon UckeleAcademy
Sea Grant’s economic data is compelling. It generates powerful stories and metrics that convey the richness of our work in the communities we serve. And now, after ~5 years of reporting informed by Sea Grant’s economic valuation guides and example digests, we reserve time for a refresher on economic valuation utility and to dive deeper into the ways we may use that information beyond reporting. This session will engage a panel in sharing Sea Grant network, Sea Grant Association, and National Sea Grant Office perspectives on the utility of economic valuation information, and will engage the audience in creative ways to broaden its use. We aim to provide all types of Sea Grant employees with a basic understanding of what economic valuation is, why we report it, and how it is and can be used. This session is for people who not only report these numbers, but have a sense of what we as a Sea Grant community and partners can benefit from those valuations. This work is an integral part of Sea Grant's mission and we hope this session can help to reinforce and strengthen its traction across the Sea Grant network. Join us as we engage the broader Sea Grant network in progress towards a fundamental part of the Sea Grant mission, and to hear from experts on broader applications. The session may yield increased understanding by the network into economic valuation, and understanding of co-benefits that can arise from expanding the use of economic valuation beyond reporting.