Freshwater Wetland Investigations
In 2019, UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant teamed up with faculty and students at the College of Coastal Georgia to monitor a freshwater wetland adjacent to Oglethorpe Point Elementary School on St. Simons Island and develop wetland-focused curricula for elementary and middle school education.
As part of the project, which was funded by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Coastal Resources Division, a series of lesson plans were developed that cover hydrology and soils, water chemistry, plant classification, environmental impacts, wildlife life cycles and habitats.
While these lesson plans were originally created for use by students at Oglethorpe Point Elementary School, they can easily be adapted for use at any freshwater wetland in coastal Georgia or the South Atlantic region.

Investigate soil samples from different locations and learn how wetland soils are unique.

Explore the life cycle of a monarch butterfly and draw connections to pollination and wetland ecology.

Investigate sources and impacts of pollution in a freshwater wetland and engage in a class discussion.

Explore amphibian habitats and adaptations that allow them to survive in a freshwater wetland.

Test the turbidity (or clarity) of different water samples and discuss how it relates to plants in the wetland.

Examine key features of some dominant trees found in Georgia’s coastal freshwater wetlands.
Additional Resources
Fungi, Ferns and Frogs, Oh My! Coloring Georgia’s Freshwater Wetlands (Grades K-5)
Freshwater wetlands are an important part of the landscape. Use this activity to take a journey into the beauty found within them.
Freshwater Wetlands and Climate Change (Grade 5)
This activity features information about different types of wetlands in the U.S. Students can test their knowledge by doing a crossword puzzle and answering review questions.
Freshwater Wetlands and Climate Change (Grades 6-8)
This activity shares information about freshwater wetlands and the role they play in mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Financial assistance provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, administered by the Office for Coastal Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and passed through the Coastal Management Program of the Department of Natural Resources.