
Student Blog

Teacher Discovery Day

May 6, 2023

Calling all educators! Visit the UGA Marine Education Center and Aquarium for free and learn about our Pre-K-12 programs on Teacher Discovery Day taking place on Saturday, May 6, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Meet our marine educators during special behind-the-scenes… Full story

CANCELED: World Migratory Bird Day

May 9, 2020

To ensure the health and safety of our community given the recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, World Migratory Bird Day and the Project Flying Wild Teacher workshop have been canceled.  Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day at the UGA Aquarium! Learn about… Full story

CANCELED: Project Learning Tree Educator Certification

April 24, 2020

*To ensure the health and safety of our community given the recent Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, this event has been canceled. We will do our best to reschedule in the fall. UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant is excited to… Full story

Project WET and Project Learning Tree Training  

November 9, 2018

Description: The Georgia Sea Turtle Center and UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant are excited to offer Educator Certification in the Project Wet and Project Learning Tree curriculum guides. Workshop participants will learn the ins and outs of multi-disciplinary… Full story

Teacher Open House

August 23, 2018

Calling all educators! Please join us for a FREE Teacher Open House at the UGA Marine Education Center and Aquarium on Thursday, Aug. 23 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Meet our marine educators and learn about over 40 marine science… Full story

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