2021 Coastal Research Symposium
Please join us for our virtual Coastal Research Symposium, May 19-21, 2021. During the symposium, scientists, students and coastal partners from across the state will share the latest research on Georgia’s coastal and marine environments.
The goal of the symposium is to facilitate interactions between the academic community and coastal managers while providing professional development and networking opportunities for all participants. This year, the symposium is co-hosted by UGA Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Coastal Resources Division.
REGISTRATION: $20 general registration | $10 student registration
Registration is required to attend. The deadline to register is May 10.
*If symposium registration fee presents a financial hardship that prohibits attendance, please contact Bonnie Klostermann at bkloster@uga.edu or 706-542-1030 to request a free waiver.
Pre-Recorded Presentations:
We have asked researchers from each focus area panel to provide a pre-recorded presentation of their work. Participants are encouraged to view each presentation prior to joining the related interactive panel discussions. Video playlists are featured below and organized by topic area. You can view the full presentation playlist for each focus area by clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the videos below.
Resilient Communities and Economies
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture