Associate Marine Extension Director Bryan Fluech has been invited to serve on the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Coastal Resources Division’s (CRD) Marine Fishery Advisory Council’s Finfish Advisory Panel.

The FinFish Advisory Panel is one of three fisheries subcommittees that provides guidance to the CRD in matters related to management of saltwater finfish species such as spotted seatrout and red drum.

“Bryan’s knowledge of fisheries management and his engagement with both commercial and recreational fishermen make him an ideal member for this committee,” says Mark Risse, Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant director. “I’m excited about Bryan’s appointment to the panel and feel it will benefit the CRD as well as those in the coastal community that utilize Georgia’s coastal resources.”

As a non-DNR scientist with more than 10 years of experience in fisheries management, Fluech will offer unique perspectives and knowledge to the group. The 12-member panel consists of six recreational anglers, three saltwater fishing guides and two commercial fishermen.

Members of the Advisory Panel are appointed by the DNR commissioner for a term of two years, based on recommendations from CRD staff.