Outside the Eulonia Piggly Wiggly, a man approached me. Spying the University of Georgia (UGA) truck I had just parked, he asked what I did at UGA. I told him that I restored oyster reefs, which started a long conversation… Full story
Student Blog

Concrete to canopies and creeks to coast: Georgia Conservancy’s vision for a connected ecosystem
May 15, 2024
In the rhythmic cadence of coastal life, where the ebb and flow of tides mirror the constant flux of challenges and change, lies Georgia Conservancy, a statewide, donor-supported conservation organization that recognizes the connection between the environment, the economy, and… Full story

Welcome to Gray’s Reef, it’s been waiting for you
March 27, 2024
Dive down to the reef, the ledges are aglow. Kaleidoscope of life teeming in a world below. Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) represents ~2.2% of live-bottom habitat scattered across the South Atlantic Bight. In addition to sandy bottom, Gray’s… Full story

Rattlesnakes in Coastal Georgia
June 20, 2023
To be honest, I never thought a Georgia Sea Grant fellowship would appeal to me or my career path. My research interests have always been on inland systems from freshwater swamp to dry sandhills. My research as an undergraduate and… Full story

Looking back and looking forward: A new paradigm at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary
May 12, 2023
Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary is a hidden gem along the coast of Georgia. It is a 22-square-mile protected parcel of the ocean that hosts a variety of unique organisms and habitat. As a Georgia Sea Grant state fellow, I… Full story

Non-traditional solutions to pollution
April 12, 2022
As a Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant State Fellow working with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Resources Division (GA DNR CRD), I have the opportunity to learn about different aspects of what goes into managing our state’s… Full story

Diving into a virtual workspace at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary
March 14, 2022
When you think of a marine scientist, you probably imagine someone working from a boat, or maybe a submarine. Or at least that’s what I always imagined growing up. I didn’t know what to expect when I joined Gray’s Reef… Full story

A Gateway to Career Pathways
August 27, 2021
In May of 2019, I graduated from Allegheny College with a degree in biology and environmental science. I had no idea what I wanted to do other than that it would relate to marine life. Now, I am in the… Full story

Communication on preparing, adapting and recovering
June 25, 2021
My experience as a Georgia Sea Grant State Fellow has shown me how diverse the field of marine science is, and how communicating with stakeholders of various backgrounds offers extraordinary results. To continue developing into a well-rounded biologist, I sought… Full story

A day in the life of a Georgia Sea Grant State Fellow
March 11, 2020
Gray’s Reef, one of only fifteen National Marine Sanctuaries in the United States, is a beautiful collection of color and biodiversity hidden below 65 feet of water off of the Georgia coast. It was not until being awarded the Georgia… Full story