In collaboration with the University of Georgia’s Office of Research, Georgia Sea Grant encourages the submission of small, well-targeted proposals that seek to address the challenges related to Hurricane Irma. We will support physical science, social science, and engineering projects whose results may enable Georgia to better prepare for, respond to, recover from, or mitigate future coastal hazards. Research proposals that advance our fundamental understanding of the impacts of hurricanes, human aspects of natural disasters, emergency response methods, and approaches that inform management and decision response are welcome. Once the study has been completed, funded researchers will be required to submit a report that outlines analyses of findings from research results.
Proposals may be submitted by faculty of any public or private institution of higher education in Georgia; the project’s lead Principal Investigator (PI) must be deemed eligible by their institution to receive extramural funding. While non-academic researchers may be included among the co-principal investigators (co-PIs), awards will be made only through colleges and universities. Georgia Sea Grant encourages submissions from researchers new to Sea Grant and those from diverse backgrounds. All proposals must include a collaborator from the University of Georgia.
All proposals submitted by November 10, 2017 will be given full consideration. Depending on the number of applications received, we anticipate making 3-5 small awards ranging between $3,000-$10,000 per project. The size of one-year grants should not exceed $10,000. Since these awards are not subject to cost share and indirect cost return, proposals do not need to be routed through the investigators university’s sponsored project administration office.
To submit proposals, all potential applicants must register an investigator account on Georgia Sea Grant’s electronic grant management portal eSeaGrant (eSeaGrant.uga.edu). More details on how to register an account and submit a proposal using eSeaGrant are available on Georgia Sea Grant website, and can be accessed using the links below.
If you have questions about the proposal submission or review process, or technical questions regarding eSeaGrant, please contact Dr. Mona Behl at mbehl@uga.edu